i am married but didnt love in the beginning,but nowadays cant see myself living without him.wat does it mean?
2006-08-08 00:25:54 UTC
i am married but didnt love in the beginning,but nowadays cant see myself living without him.wat does it mean?
Thirteen answers:
Jo Ann
2006-08-08 00:31:02 UTC
It could only mean that somewhere along the way, you have already fallen in love with the man you married. Do not think so much about it. It is a good thing after all. :)
2006-08-08 07:30:43 UTC
You get accustomed to him, or better, you're noxw in love with him. The feelings can change, even if at first you didn't love him, now that you know him better you're in love, and that's a really good thing in a marriage !
2006-08-08 07:29:21 UTC
Either you depend on him or you have fallen in love with him.
debashis j
2006-08-08 07:32:49 UTC
It means YOU HAVE STARTED LOVING HIM. This is quite natural ... it's called love araising of .. LONG ASSOCIATION.
2006-08-08 07:36:20 UTC
you're starting to love him... and realising that he is an important part of your life now.. awww that's sweet...
It's Ms. Fusion if you're Nasty!
2006-08-08 07:29:53 UTC
I think it means YOU LOVE HIM!
2006-08-08 07:29:47 UTC
it means you've 'grown in love', instead of 'falling in love'. much stronger, much healthier, and much longer-lasting. enjoy!
smile, it costs nothing
2006-08-09 21:35:46 UTC
u r both made for each other,

uu miss him and love him alot.....

be in love with him alwaz....
2006-08-08 07:28:56 UTC
it means your in love now....
2006-08-10 06:40:49 UTC
this means that you will have happy and peacefull life together :)
kamal....Dil se..
2006-08-11 18:43:45 UTC
u cant say u r in love.......this is yr nececity
2006-08-08 08:04:29 UTC
it means u luv him now...... and u need him too
D.Beckham Is God
2006-08-08 07:31:24 UTC
OYE TUSSI PYAAR HO GAYA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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