is there any website to know about the adress of of the person if i hav his vehical number? (INDIA)?
2006-05-17 22:42:31 UTC
is there any website to know about the adress of of the person if i hav his vehical number? (INDIA)?
Four answers:
2006-05-18 08:15:13 UTC
I do not think so.

But if you have phone # or his full name you can check it by the web site specially if he/she lives in Gujarat state:
2006-05-17 22:51:54 UTC
No such website.

You can write to the Regional Transport Officer of the State.who is the registering authority for vehicles.He may give.But no assurance :it is a govt office.Another source is the Automobile Association of the Region who can supply the information.But it is possible only if the person is a member of the association,You can try.
neeta b
2006-05-17 22:48:09 UTC
thiers no any website regarding this information but u cn contact the traffic police cuz they hv all record... its the only way.....
2006-05-18 05:21:28 UTC
no sorry

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