Can you suggest a good guest guest house / hotel in simla?
2006-07-17 21:22:58 UTC
Any body can suggest a good hotel / guest house in Simla, India? The place should not be a long hike from rail station or bus stand, should be quiet and I can have good value for money. Thanks
Four answers:
2006-07-17 21:53:59 UTC
Shimla has plentiful all budget hotels. Get to the main car parking area after the railway station/main bus stand, at the parking point itself, take the elevator to the Mall Road above. As you get out from the lift and touch the road after the bay from lift, you can find plenty of economic hotels within 100 meters either side from this point. Have a look, season is going to be off, so negotiate for deals and enjoy your stay there.
2006-07-21 01:28:23 UTC
there are many hotels in shimla. Dont stay naywhere near the bus terminal. It is very polluted. Early in the morning they rev the buses to warm it up and is very noisy. Go to the back of the mall.
2015-04-30 22:11:01 UTC
complicated point. research on google. just that could help!
2015-04-30 01:33:23 UTC
complex point. seek at yahoo and bing. it can assist!

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