Is chandigarh a well-planned city?
2006-05-02 04:40:03 UTC
Is chandigarh a well-planned city?
Nine answers:
2006-05-05 14:09:43 UTC
ya. the italian architacture has designed this city in 1960s.
2016-03-27 10:09:36 UTC
yes its a good city to visit. But not too good to be visited specially. if u are coming to chandigarh then just expand ur no. of days to roam in chandigarh by 1-2
2006-05-04 09:48:24 UTC


City (pop., 2001 prelim.: 808,796) and union territory (pop., 2001 prelim.: 900,914), joint capital of Haryana and Punjab states, northern India.

The territory, on the border between the two states, has an area of 44 sq mi (114 sq km). Located just south of the Shiwalik Hills, the site was selected to replace the former capital of Lahore, which became part of Pakistan at partition in 1947. Thecity was laid out in the 1950s by Le Corbusier in collaboration with Indian architects. Today it is a major communications junction.


orig. Charles-Édouard Jeanneret

born Oct. 6, 1887, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switz.

died Aug. 27, 1965, Cap Martin, France

Swiss-born French architect and city planner.

Born in a small Swiss town, he left home as a young man and developed many of his ideas during his travels through Europe (1907–11). After settling in Paris, Le Corbusier (his assumed name, from the surname of an ancestor) and the painter Amédée Ozenfant (1886–1966) formulated the ideas of Purism, an aesthetic based on the pure, simple geometric forms of everyday objects. His early work included theoretical plans for skyscraper cities and mass-produced housing; in one of his many essays on architecture from the period, he declared that “a house is a machine for living in.” Works from the 1920s such as the Villa Savoye at Poissy, France (1929–30), with its structure raised on slender concrete pillars, open floor plan, long strip windows, and roofterrace, established him as a major proponent of the International Style. He and other architects working in this style aspired to clean, Modernist lines, yet Le Corbusier was the first architect to make a studied use of rough-cast concrete, a technique that gave his work a distinctly sculptural, expressive quality. His later works include the Unité d'Habitation and the lyrical chapel of Notre-Dame-du-Haut at Ronchamp, France (1950–55). His government buildings at Chandigarh, India (begun 1950), with their enormous concrete sunshades, sculptural facades,and swooping rooflines, represent the first large-scale application of his city-planning principles. Le Corbusier's many works, plans, and writings inspired later avant-garde architectural experiments throughout the world.
2006-05-02 09:42:08 UTC
ya, no doubt chandigarh is a well planned city. its architecture is really gr8 bt i also regret 2 say dat nwadays, no planned construction is being done. schools and hospitals are being constructed in the parks for the particular sector which increases traffic and also huzzle puzzle. i doubt its planned architecture 3-5 yrs down the lane
2006-05-08 13:22:56 UTC
It was planned by Carbousier, a french city planner. It is pretty well planned and the city council is doing a good job.
2006-05-05 02:59:40 UTC
It WAS a well-planned city
2006-05-02 14:53:56 UTC
yea it id and the gril above me is rigght

they are bulding this highway now that abtou 6 lanes all through punjab =) i cant wait to go se it when i go back to punjab =) bruahhhh lol :)

and yes i love chandigarh =)
2006-05-08 19:17:59 UTC
yes indeed it is la carbusier design and is truly the best it feels like a foreign country the freshness and the feelin is totally amazing!!

i hav live there all my life
2006-05-02 21:23:09 UTC
Yes, I would have to say so.

Ha ha; guy before me.

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