dating places in chandigarh?
2006-05-23 19:55:50 UTC
please someone tell me some cool places in chandigarh for intimate kinda date. i mean a place where there ain't enough croud, and the couple could easily get cozy and a bit intimate ;)
some lonely restaurent or whtva ? plz do sugggest
Five answers:
2006-05-24 05:38:15 UTC
sector 20 best restaurant, university campus, in sector 35 aswell so many bars no one will say anything
2017-01-19 13:33:28 UTC
Chandigarh Dating Places
2006-05-24 04:10:20 UTC
DOWN UNDER in sector 17
2006-05-25 21:44:11 UTC
behind the sukhna lake or the best would be to travel to Morni hills.Nothing like it...
Dhiren B
2006-05-23 21:05:35 UTC
Dont know not visited

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